Home > Introduction


August 24th, 2004 at 06:01 pm

Hello fellow frugalists! Welcome to my saving/budgeting/spending wisely online journal. I live in New England with my husband and two cats. We bought a beautiful fixer-upper Victorian about a year and a half ago; which is where a lot of our money has been sunk recently. This on top of college loans have been driving me bonkers (although I've always been careful with money), so I've been ravenously reading everything on this subject. My first teacher was Amy Dacyzyn, and what a great place to start! I took the complete edition of all three Tightwad Gazette's out of the library, and read it in its entirety in 2 evenings. I'm hooked!
Hopefully you'll learn something from me, as I've been learning from you. Keep up the great journals!

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