Home > Snowed In

Snowed In

January 7th, 2005 at 02:52 pm

I already had the day off yesterday, but everyone else had to stay home due to a snowstorm. No school!

We made a yummy breakfast of coffee, OJ, scrambled eggs and sausages and hash browns that both were buy one get one free.
I had a can of tomato soup for lunch that was dented, so I only paid 60 cents.
I made shepard's pie for dinner, which we always have leftovers for lunch - it's already in the fridge here at work! The ground beef for that was on sale about a week ago, which I had frozen.

My hubby got a little job today to help pay for a new car we need for the business he just started. There isn't a huge committment, so it works out great.

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