Home > furnace going in today, and tomorrow...

furnace going in today, and tomorrow...

June 14th, 2005 at 02:23 pm

The furnace is finally going in today. They were only two hours late - thank you very much. And then they tell us it will take them 2 days to do the job! No one said anything about 2 days until it was too late. They just assume we can stay home to watch our house. GGrr....I'm going to ask for some kind of financial retribution. We have lost so much work time because of this.

Made a frittata with frozen veggies and some discounted cheese. Beans on the side that I bought on sale for one dollar.
Lunch is grapes, pretzels, and a nectarine.

Need to go shopping for my sister's birthday present today. I'll see what I come up with. She's coming to visit with a friend later this week.

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