Home > Utilities


August 25th, 2004 at 01:36 pm

Today's Saving Money Challenge came at a great time. I just got my husband to agree to get rid of some cable channels, to bring our cable bill down by $7 a month. He's from Europe - and in the height of the European soccer championships this spring/summer, he ordered this package deal so he could see the games.
Well, now that the championship is over, there's no reason to keep it!
(Side note: I had to bargain for this one. I promised if we got rid of it, I'd stop baking our own bread, and buy some at the grocery store. )

Back to the Challenge - my current phone company didn't even come up on the list from! I'm definitely calling around today. Not sure if I'd have to change my number if I switched companies though. That could be a major hassle.

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