Home > Weekend fun

Weekend fun

August 27th, 2004 at 12:55 pm

Tomorrow is supposed to be humid and in the 90s. We've only had two days in the 90s this summer - it's been pretty mild.

I did some internet research yesterday and found a nice beach that only charges $8 - far cheaper than my favorite beach which costs $22 to park. They're both in state reservations, so it's clean and underdeveloped i.e - my kind of relaxing place.

Sunday will be cooler, so it's back to scraping paint off of my house. Everytime I'm out there exerting elbow grease, I think of the article from the Tightwad Gazette in which Amy says that scraping paint off her front porch is more enjoyable than a trip to Bermuda. Until I have my school loans and mortgage paid off, yes I'd rather scrape paint. But once I'm debt free - I'm heading to Bermuda!!

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