Home > Still Apple Season

Still Apple Season

November 23rd, 2004 at 01:54 pm

I keep buying apples because they are still on sale, but we can't eat them all now. I chopped up 5 more apples last night and have them in the freezer right now spread out nicely on a cutting board. I'll put them in a tupperware tonight for storage. It'll be much faster when I want to make apple muffins or apple bread to not have to spend the time peeling, coring and dicing apples.
And the best part is I'll have apples all winter long at sales prices!

I have about 2 pounds more to go...I'll do one more pound tonight.

I also have to make lemon squares and banana bread tonight for Thanksgiving. We're driving out of state tomorrow, and I'll be busy on Wed. making apple pies.

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