Home > After Thanksgiving Turkey

After Thanksgiving Turkey

November 29th, 2004 at 04:45 pm

I forgot to tell you. Last year, there were fabulous sales on turkeys after Thanksgiving that we bought one and made it the day we put up the tree. It snowed too: it was a great day.

So we decided to buy 2 turkeys this year. On Saturday, we ran into the store to pick up something for some impending guests, and noticed that good-sized birds were going for around $5 each! It was a great deal but we were in a hurry so we didn't get one.
We went back the next day and they were all sold out. We went to the next store, and their's weren't on sale at all. We're very bummed.

I think I'll try BJ's tonight. I need to use my 3 month free membership card with them.

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