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sold another book on

May 25th, 2005 at 05:19 pm

For 80 cents - nothing to talk about. Oh well, it's a teeny step forward to getting rid of clutter.

That means I have to go to Staples tonight to buy padded envelopes, I had to buy one from the post office last time which was not worth it.

DH is working lots of OT this week - thank god.

I've been making all the meals, with enough leftover for lunches all week. We haven't eaten out at all for a weeks. I'm very proud of us!

I rolled change last night. We have $37.50 to deposit in the local bank.

Since it has been raining for almost a week straight, I haven't been able to plant my seeds outside. I'll start the lettuce tonight and leave it in the sunroom. I'm missing too much growing time!

An a much larger life-changing note, we've pretty much decided to sell out house and move north. The only question is when. We need to finish many many details on the house before we sell to get the maximum return on our investment. I need to get my business running too before we leave so we don't know when this may happen. Maybe in a year or so. For now, we're trying to make and save as much money as possible to clear out all debt in order to start fresh in a new house and a new state. I'm excited!

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