Home > Semi-free chinese takeout

Semi-free chinese takeout

January 28th, 2005 at 09:15 pm

Well, last night was a bust.
My train was delayed by 45 minutes, while we all stood in the freezing cold with no information. I finally got home after a 3 hour commute.

Since my husband is the best, and knew I was starving, he picked up some chinese food before he picked me up! was so yummy. Normally, I wouldn't been a little upset that he did that, but the train system has a policy that your ride will be free if they are more than 30 minutes late. Well, I submitted my rebate form this morning, and am expecting a $10 check in the mail.

We also received three unexpected checks in the mail - something I wish would happen everyday! Well, one was the last of our medical reimbursement payments, but the company had been playing games with us so we didn't think it would ever show. Thank god it did! We certainly need to pay off some of my college loans, and this will help get us there.

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